Most parents aren’t fully aware of the complexity of spelling for new learners.
Here are 112 different ways of spelling the same sound: from Masha Bell of England
3 ways of spelling the (ch) sound: Chat, picture, clutch.
Qikit simply uses (ch)
6 ways for the (oo) sound: blue, shoe, flew, through, two, to.
Qikit simply uses (oo).
6 ways for the (au) sound: sauce, caught, bought, always, crawl, hot.
Qikit simply uses (o).
7 ways for the (air) sound: air, care, bear, aerial, their, there, questionnaire.
Qikit simply uses (air).
7 ways for the (k) sound: character, kangaroo, queue, clap, stomach, neck, cheque.
Qikit simply uses (c or k).
8 ways for the (e) sound: End, head, any, said, Wednesday, friend, leopard, bury.
Qikit simply uses (e).
9 ways for the (ou) sound: out, soul, soup, touch, could, four, journal, cough, famous.
Qikit simply uses (ou).
15 ways for the (ay) sound: plate, wait, great, vein, reign, table, dahlia, champagne, fete, play, they, weigh, ballet, café, matinee.
Qikit simply uses (aa).
16 ways for the (ee) sound: Eel, eat, even, ceiling, field, police, people, me, key, ski, debris, quay, jolly, trolley, movie, corgi.
Qikit simply uses (ee or y).
17 ways of spelling the (eye) sound: bite, might, style, kind, eider, height, climb, island, indict, sign, my, high, pie, rye, buy, I, eye.
Qikit simply uses (ii or I).
And, 18 ways of spelling the (x) sound: sax, doxxing, forecastle, accent, tachs, backs, sacques, sacs, eczema, burkes, yaks, caulks, toques, excel, axe, exsert, exscind, coxswain.
Qikit simply uses (x).
The above spellings take a lot of extra time to learn. If children need to learn the 16 ways to spell the ee sound, they also need to know which words each ee spelling applies to.
Learning the above spellings will take a long time, so that takes away from other learning in those important early years. Don’t waste those years with confusion.
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