QikitLiit Dictionary

5000 words translated into QikitLiit

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Original New Spelling Alternate New Spelling
a a
abandoned ubandnd
abilities ubiluteez
ability ubiluty
able aabl
aboard ubord
abortion uborshn
about ubowt
above ubuv
abroad ubrod
absence absns
absolute absuloot
absolutely absulootly
abstract abstract
abuse ubuuz ubuus
academic acudemic
academy ucadumy
accept uxept
acceptable axeptubl uxeptubl
accepted uxeptd
access axes
accident axudnt
accompanied ucumpuneed
accomplish ucomplish
accomplished ucomplisht
according acording
account ucownt
accounting ucownting
accounts ucownts
accuracy acuurusy
accurate acuurut
accused ucuuzd
achieve ucheev
achieved ucheevd
achievement ucheevmnt
acid asud
acknowledged ucnolujd
acquired uqiird
acres aacrz
across ukros
act act
acted actd
acting acting
action acshn
actions acshnz
active activ
actively activly
activists actuvists
activities activuteez
activity activuty
actor actr
actors actrz
actress actrus
acts acts
actual acchooul
actually acchuly
ad ad
adapted udaptd
add ad
added add
adding ading
addition udishn
additional adishnl
address adres udres
addressed udrest
addressing udresing
adds adz
adequate aduqut
adjust ujust
adjustment ujustmnts
administration administraashn
administrative udministrutiv udministraativ
administrators udminustraatrz
admission udmishn
admit udmit
admits udmits
admitted udmitd
adolescent adulesnt
adopt udopt
adopted udoptd
adoption udopshn
ads adz
adult adult udult
adults adults udults
advance udvans
advanced udvanst
advantage advantij
advantages udvantijz
adventure advenchr
advertising advrtiizing
advice udviis
adviser udviizr
advocate advukaat advukut
advocates advucuts advucaats
aesthetic esthetic
affair ufair
affairs ufairz
affect ufect
affected ufectd
affects ufects
affiliation ufileeaashn
afford uford
afraid ufraad
African africn
after aftr
afternoon aftrnoon
afterward aftrwrd
again ugaan ugen
against agaanst ugenst
age aaj
agencies aajunseez
agency aajunsy
agenda ujendu
agent aajnt
agents aajnts
ages aajz
aggressive ugresiv
aging aajing
ago agoh ugoh
agree ugree
agreed ugreed
agreement ugreemnt
agreements ugreemnts
agrees ugreez
agricultural agruculchrul
agriculture agruculchr
ahead uhed
aid aad
aids aadz
aim aam
aimed aamd
air air
aircraft aircraft
airline airliin
airlines airliinz
airport airport
aisle iil
alarm ularm
Alberta Albrtu
album albm
alcohol alcuhol
alert ulrt
Alice Alis
alien aaleeun
alike aliik uliik
alive uliiv
all ol
allegations alugaashnz
alleged ulejd
alliance uliiuns
allies aliiz uliiz
allow ulow
allowed ulowd
allowing ulowing
allows ulowz
almost olmohst
alone ulohn
along ulong
alongside ulongsiid
already olredy
also olsoh
alternative oltrnutiv
alternatives oltrnutivz
although olthoh
altogether oltugethr
aluminum uloomunum
always olwuz olwaaz
am am
amazing umaazing
ambassador ambasudr
ambitious ambishus ambishs
amendment amendmnt umenmnt
American Amairicn
Americans Amairicnz
amid umid
among umung
amount umownt
amounts umownts
an an
analyses analuss
analysis unaluss
analyst anulist
analysts anulists
anchor ancr
ancient aanshnt
and &
angel aanjl
anger angr
angle angl
angry angry
animal animl
animals animlz
anniversary anuvrsry
announced unownst
announcement unownsmnt
annual anuuul
annually anuuuly
anonymous unonumus
another unuthr
answer ansr
answered ansrd
answering ansring
answers ansrz
anxiety angziiuty
anxious angshs
any eny
anybody eneebudy
anymore eneemor
anyone eneewun
anything eneething
anyway eneewaa
anywhere eneewhair
apart upart
apartment upartmnt
apparent upairunt
apparently upairuntly
appeal upeel
appeals upeelz
appear upeer
appearance upeeruns
appeared upeerd
appears upeerz
apple apl
application aplucaashn
applications aplucaashnz
applied upliid
apply uplii
appointment upointmnt
appreciate upreesheeaat
approach uprohch
approached uprohcht
approaches uprohchz
approaching uprohching
appropriate uprohpreeut
approval uproovl
approved uproovd
approximately uproxumutly
April Aaprul
Arab Airub
are ar
area aireeu
areas aireeuz
arena ureenu
argue arguu
argued arguud
argues arguuz
arguing arguuing
argument arguumnt
arguments arguumnts
arm arm
armed armd
arms armz
army army
around urownd
arrangement uraanjmnt
arrangements uraanjmnts
array airaa
arrest urest
arrested urestd
arrival uriivl
arrive uriiv
arrived uriivd
art art
article articl
articles artuclz
artificial artufishl
artist artist
artistic artistic
artists artists
arts arts
as az
Asian Aazhnzn
aside usiid
ask ask
asked ast askt
asking asking
asks asx
asleep usleep
aspect aspect
aspects aspects
ass as
assault usolt
assembly usembly
assess uses ases
assessment usesmnt
assets asets
assigned usiind
assist usist
assistance usistns
assistant usistnt
associate usohsheeaat usohsheeut
associated usohsheeaatd usohseeaatd
associates usohsheeaats usohsheeits
association usohseeaashn
associations usohseeaashnz
assume usoom
assumed usoomd
assuming usooming
assumption usumshn
assumptions usumshnz
assured ushoord
at at
ate aat
athlete athleet
athletes athleets
athletic athletic
atmosphere atmusfeer
attached utacht
attack utak
attacked utact
attacks utax
attempt utemt
attempted utemtd
attempting utemting
attempts utempts utemps
attend utend
attended utendd
attending utending
attention utenshn
attitude atutood
attitudes atutoodz
attorney atrny
attorneys utrneez
attract utract
attracted utractd
attractive utractiv
audience odeeuns
audiences odeeunsz
audio odeeoh
August Ogust
aunt ant
author othr
authorities uthoruteez
authority uthoruty
authors othrz
auto otoh
automatic otumatic
automatically otumaticly
available uvaalubl
avenue avunuu avunoo
average avrij
avoid uvoid
awake uwaak
award uword
awards uwordz
aware uwair
awareness uwairnus
away uwaa
awe o
awed od
awful ofl
babies babeez
baby baaby
back bak
backed bakt
background bakgrownd
backs bax
bacteria bactireeu
bad bad
badly badly
bag bag
bags bagz
bake baak
baking baaking
balance baluns
balanced balunst
ball bol
balm bom
ban ban
band band
bands bandz
bang bang
bank bank
banking banking
bankruptcy bankrupsy
banks banx
bar bar
bare bair
barely bairly
barrel bairul
barriers baireerz
bars barz
base baas
baseball baasbol
based baast
basement baasmnt
bases baasz
basic baasic
basically baasicly
basis baasis baass
basket baskt
basketball baskutbol
bass baas bas
bathroom bathroom
battery batry
battle batl
bay baa
be bee
beach beech
beans beenz
bear bair
bearing bairing
bears bairz
beat beet
beaten beetn
beating beeting
beau boh
beautiful buutifuhl
beauty buuty
Beaverlodge Beevrloj
became bucaam
because bucuz beecuz
become bucum
becomes bucumz
becoming beecuming
bed bed
bedroom bedroom
beds bedz
beef beef
been been
beer beer
before bufor beefor
began bugan
begin bugin
beginning bugining
begins buginz
begun bugun
behalf bᴥhaf beehaf
behavior buhaavyr
behavioral buhaaveerul
behaviors buhaavyrz
behind beehiind buhiind
being beeing
beings beeingz
belief buleef beeleef
beliefs buleefs
believe buleev
believed buleevd
believes buleevz
belly bely
belong bulong
below buloh
belt belt
Ben Ben
bench bench
bend bend
beneath bineeth
benefit benufit
benefits benufits
bent bent
berry bairy
beside beesiid
besides busiidz
best best
bet bet
better betr
between butween
beyond beeond
bias biius
Bible Biibl
big big
bigger bigr
biggest bigust
bike biik
bill bil
billion bilyun
billions bilyunz
bills bilz
biological biiulojucl
biology biiolujy
bird brd
birds brdz
birth brth
birthday brthdaa
bit bit
bits bits
bitter bitr
black blak
blacks blax
blade blaad
blame blaam
blank blank
blanket blankt
blend blend
blew bloo
blind bliind
block blok
blocks blox
blood blud
bloody bludy
blow bloh
blue bloo
boar bor
board bord
boards bordz
boat boht
boats bohts
bodies bodeez
body body
bold bohld
bomb bom
bombing boming
bombs bomz
bond bond
bonds bondz
bone bohn
bones bohnz
book buhk
books buhx
boom boom
boots boots
border bordr
borders bordrz
bore bor
bored bord
born born
boss bos
both bohth
bottle botl
bottles botlz
bottom botm
bought bot
bound bownd
boundaries boundreez
bow boh bow
bowl bohl
box box
boxes boxz
boy boy
boys boyz
bra bro
Bradley Bradly
brain braan
branch branch
branches branchz
brand brand
bread bred
break braak
breakfast brekfst
breaking braaking
breaks braax
breast brest
breasts brests
breath breth
breathe breeth
breathing breething
brick brik
bridge brij
brief breef
briefly breefly
bright briit
brilliant brilyunt
bring bring
bringing bringing
brings bringz
British british
broad brod
broadcast brodcast
broader brodr
broke brohk
broken brohkn
brother bruthr
brothers bruthrz
brought brot
brown brown
brush brush
bucks bux
budget bujut
bug bug
build bild
building bilding
buildings bildingz
built bilt
bullet buhlut
bunch bunch
bunk bunk
burden brdn
bureau buuroh
buried baireed
burn brn
burned brnd
burning brning
burst brst
bury bairy
bus bus
business biznus
businesses biznusz
busy bizy
but but
butter butr
button butn
buy bii
buyers biirz
buying biiing
by bii
bye bii
cabin cabn
cabinet cabinut
cable caabl
cafe cafaa cufaa
cake caak
calculated calcuulaatd
Calgary Calgairy
call col
called cold
caller colr
calling coling
calls colz
calm com
calories calreez
came caam
camera camru
cameras camruz
camp camp
campaign campaan
campaigns campaanz
camps camps
campus campus
can can
Canadian Cunaadeeun
cancer cansr
candidate candidaat candidut
candidates candidaats candidts
canvas canvs
cap cap
capable caapubl
capacity cupasity
capital caputl
captain captn
capture capchr
captured capchrd
car car
carbon carbn
card card
cards cardz
care cair
career cureer
careers cureerz
careful cairfuhl
carefully cairfuhly
caring cairing
carried caireed
carries caireez
carry cairy
carrying caireeing
cars carz
carved carvd
case caas
cases kaasz
cash cash
cast cast
casual cazhooul
cat cat
catch cach cech
categories catugoreez
category catugory
Catholic Cathlic
Catholics Cathlix
cats cats
cattle catl
caught cot
cause coz
caused cozd
causes cozz
causing cozing
cave caav
ceiling seeling
celebrate selubraat
celebrated selubraatd
celebrity sulebrutee
cell sel
cells selz
census sensus
centers sentrz
cents sents
centuries senchreez
century senchry
ceremony sairumohny
certain srtn
certainly srtnly
chain chaan
chair chair
chairman chairmn
chairs chairz
challenge chalnj
challenged chalunjd
challenges chalnjz
challenging chalunjing
chamber chaambr
champion champyun
championship champeeunship
chance chans
chances chansz
change chaanj
changed chaanjd
changes chaanjz
changing chaanjing
channel chanl
channels chanlz
chaos caaos
chapter chaptr
character caiructr
characteristics caiructristix
characterized caiructriizd
characters caiructrz
charge charj
charged charjd
charges charjz
charity chairuty
chart chart
chase chaas
cheap cheep
check chek
checked chekt
checking cheking
checks chex
cheek cheek
cheeks cheex
cheese cheez
chef shef
chemical cemucl
chest chest
chicken chicn
chief cheef
child chiild
childhood chiildhuhd
children childrun
chill chil
chin chin
Chinese chiineez
chip chip
chips chips
chocolate choclut
choice chois
choices choisz
cholesterol culestrol
choose chooz
choosing choozing
chopped chopt
chose chohz
chosen chohzn
Christian Crischn
Christianity Crischeeanuty
Christians Crischnz
chronic cronic
chronicle cronicl
church chrch
cigarette siguret
cigarettes sigurets
circle srcl
circuit srcut
circumstances srcumstansz
cited siitd
cities siteez
citizen sitizn
citizens sitiznz
city sity
civic sivic
civil sivl
civilian suvilyun
civilians suvileeunz
civilization sivulizaashn
claim claam
claimed claamd
claims claamz
class clas
classes clasz
classic clasic
classical clasucl
classified clasufiid
classroom clasroom
clay claa
clean cleen
cleaning cleening
clear cleer
cleared cleerd
clearly cleerly
click clik
client cliiunt
clients cliiunts
climate cliimut
climb cliim
climbed cliimd
climbing cliiming
clinic clinic
clinical clinucl
clip clip
clock cloc
close clohs clohz
closed clohzd
closely clohsly
closer clohsr
closest clohsst
closet clozut
closing clohzing
cloth cloth
clothes clohz clohthz
clothing clohthing
cloud clowd
clouds clowdz
club club
clubs clubz
cluster clustr
coach cohc
coaches cohchz
coaching cohching
coal cohl
coalition cohulishn
coast cohst
coastal cohstl
coat coht
code cohd
coffee cofee
cognitive cognutiv
cold cohld
collaboration culabraashn
collapse culaps
collapsed culapst
colleagues coleegz
collect culect
collected culectd
collecting culecting
collection culecshn
collective culectiv
college colij
colleges colijz
colonel crnl
colonial culohneeul
color culr
colored culrd
colors culrz
column colum
combat combat cmbat
combination combunaashn
combine cumbiin combiin
combined cumbiind combiind
come cum
comedy comudy
comes cumz
comfort cumfrt
comfortable cumfrtubl
coming cuming
command cumand
commander cmandr
comment coment
comments coments
commerce comrs
commercial cumrshl
commission cumishn
commissioner cumishunr
commit cumit
commitment cmitmnt
committed cumitd
committee cumitee
common comn
commonly comnly
communication cumuunucaashn
communications cumuunicaashnz
communist comuunust
communities cumuuniteez
community cumuunity
companies cumpuneez
company cumpuny
compare cumpair
compared cumpaird
comparison cumpairisun
compelling cumpeling
compensation compunsaashn
compete cumpeet
competing cmpeeting
competition computishn
competitive cmpetutiv
competitors cmpetutrz
complained cmplaand
complaints cmplaants
complete cumpleet
completed cmpleetd
completely cumpleetly
complex complex
complexity cmplexuty
complicated complucaatd
component cmpohnnt
components cmpohnnts
composed cumpohzd
composition compuzishn
compound compownd cmpownd
comprehensive compruhensiv
compromise comprumiiz
computer cumpuutr
computers cmpuutrz
concentrate consntraat
concept consept
concepts consepts
concern cnsrn
concerned cnsrnd
concerning cnsrning
concerns cnsrnz
concert consrt
concluded cncloodd
conclusion cncloozhn
conclusions cncloozhnz
concrete concreet
condition cndishn
conditions cndishnz
conduct cnduct conduct
conducted cnductd
conference confruns
confidence confuduns
confident confudnt
confirmed cnfrmd
conflict conflict cunflict
conflicts conflicts
confused cnfuuzd
confusion cnfuuzhn
congress congrus
congressional cngreshunl
Congressman Congrusmn
connect cnect
connected cunectd
connection cunecshn
connections cnecshnz
conscious conshs
consciousness conshusnus
consensus cnsenss
consent cnsent
consequence consiquns
consequences consuqunsz
consequently consuquntly
conservation consrvaashn
conservative cunsrvutiv
conservatives cunsrvutivz
consider cnsidr
considerable cnsidrubl
consideration cnsidraashn
considered cnsidrd
considering cnsidring
consistent cnsistnt
consists cnsists
constant constnt
constantly constntly
constitution constutooshn
constitutional constutooshnl
construct cnstruct
constructed cnstructd
construction cnstrucshn
consultant cnsultnt
consulting cnsulting
consumer cnsoomr
consumers cnsoomrz
consumption cnsumshn
contact contact
contain cntaan
contained cntaand
containing cntaaning
contains cntaanz
contemporary cntemprairy
content cntent content
contest contest cntest
context context
continue cntinuu
continued cntinuud
continues cntinuuz
continuing cntinuuing
continuous cuntinuuus
contract contract cntract
contracts contracts cntracts
contrary contrairy
contrast contrast cntrast
contribute cntribuut
contributed cntribuutd
contributing cntribuuting
contribution contrubuushn
contributions contrubuushnz
control cntrohl
controlled cntrohld
controlling cntrohling
controls cntrohlz
controversial contruvrshl
controversy contruvrsy
convention cnvenshn
conventional cnvenshunl
conversation convrsaashn
conversations convrsaashnz
convicted cnvictd
conviction cnvicshn
convinced cnvinst
cook cuhk
cooking cuhking
cool cool
cooperation cohopraashn
cooperative cohoprutiv
cop cop
copies copeez
coping cohping
cops cops
copy copy
copyright copyriit
core cor
corn corn
corner cornr
corners cornrz
corporate corprut
corporation corpraashn
corporations corpuraashnz
corps cor
correct corect
correspondent coruspondnt
corridor corudor
corruption curupshn
cost cost
costs costs
cotton cotn
couch couch
could cuhd
couldn’t cuhdnt
council counsl
counsel cownsl
counseling cownsuling
counselors cownsulrz cownslrz
count cownt
counted cowntd
counter cowntr
counties cownteez
counting cownting
countries cuntreez
country cuntry
county cownty
couple cupl
couples cuplz
courage crrij
course cors
courses corsz
court cort
courtesy crtusy
courtroom cortroom
courts corts
cousin cuzn
cover cuvr
coverage cuvrij
covered cuvrd
covering cuvring
covers cuvrz
cow cow
crack crac
craft craft
crash crash
crazy craazy
cream creem
create creeaat
created creeaatd
creates creeaats
creating creeaating
creation creeaashn
creative creeaativ
creativity creeaativuty
creature creechr
creatures creechrz
credibility credubiluty
credit credit
credits creduts
creek creek
crew croo
cried criid
crime criim
crimes criimz
criminal crimunl
crisis criisis
criteria criitireeu criiteereeu
critic critic
critical criticl
criticism critusizm
criticized critusiizd
critics critix
crop crop
crops crops
cross cros
crossed crost
crossing crosing
crowd crowd
crowded crowdd
crown crown
crucial crooshl
cry crii
crying criiing
crystal cristl
Cuban Cuubn
cue cuu
cultural culchrul
culture culchr
cultures culchrz
cup cup
cups cups
cure cuur
curious cuureeus
currency crrunsy
current curunt
currently cruntly
curriculum curicuulum
customer custumr
customers custumrz
cut cut
cute cuut
cuts cuts
cutting cuting
cycle siicl
dad dad
daddy dady
daily daaly
damage damij
damaged damijd
damn dam
dance dans
dancing dansing
danger daanjr
dangerous daanjrus daanjurus
dark dark
darkness darknus
data daatu datu
database datubaas daatubaas
date daat
dates daats
dating daating
daughter dotr
daughters dotrz
dawn don
day daa
days daaz
dead ded
deadly dedly
deal deel
dealers deelrz
dealing deeling
deals deelz
dealt delt
dear deer
death deth
deaths deths
debate dubaat
debates dubaats
debt det
decade decaad
decades decaadz
December deesembr disembr
decent deesnt
decide dusiid
decided dusiidd
decision disižn dusižn
decisions dusizhnz
deck dek
declared duclaird
decline ducliin
declined ducliind
decrease deecrees dicrees
dedicated deducaatd
deep deep
deeper deepr
deeply deeply
deer deer
defeat dufeet
defeated dufeetd
defend dufend
defending dufending
defense deefens dufens
defensive dufensiv
deficit defusit
define dufiin
defined dufiind
definitely definutly
definition defunishn
degree dugree
degrees dugreez
delay dulaa
delicate delicut
deliver dulivr
delivered dulivrd
delivery dulivry
delta deltu
demand dimand deemand
demanded dumandd
demands dumandz
democracy dumocrusy
Democrat Demucrat
democratic demucratic
Democrats Demucrats
demographic demugrafic
demonstrate demnstraat
demonstrated demnstraatd
denied duniid
department dipartmnt
departments dupartmnts
departure duparchr
depend dupend
dependent dupendnt
depending dupending
depends dupends
depression dupreshn
depth depth
deputy depuuty
derived duriivd
describe duscriib
described duscriibd
describes duscriibz
describing duscriibing
description duscripshn
desert duzrt dezrt
deserve duzrv
design diziin duziin
designed diziind
designer duziinr
designs duziinz deeziinz
desire deeziir
desk desk
desperate desprut
despite duspiit
destroy dustroy
destroyed dustroyd
destruction dustrucshn
detail deetaal
detailed deetaald
details deetaalz
detective dutectiv
determination dutrmunaashn
determine ditrmn deetrmn
determined dutrmnd
determining ditrmining
develop duvelup
developed deevelupt duvelupt
developing duveluping
development duvelupmnt
developmental duvelupmentl
developments duvelupmnts
device duviis
devices duviisz
devil devl
devoted duvohtd
diabetes diiubeeteez
dialogue diiulog
diamond diimnd
did did
die dii
died diid
diet diiut
differ difr
difference difruns
differences difrunsz
different difrunt
differently difruntly
difficult dificult
difficulties difuculteez
difficulty difuculty
dig dig
digital dijitl
dignity dignuty
dimension dumenshn
dimensions dumenshnz
dining diining
dinner dinr
diplomatic diplumatic
direct durect
directed durectd
direction durecshn
directions durecshnz
directly durectly
director durectr diirectr
directors diirectrz durectrz
dirt drt
dirty drty
disabilities disubiluteez
disability disubiluty
disabled disaabld
disagry disugry
disappear disupeer
disappeared disupeerd
disappointed disupointd
disaster duzastr
discipline disuplun
discourse discors
discover duscuvr
discovered discuvrd
discovery duscuvry
discrimination duscrimunaashn
discuss duscus discus
discussed discust
discussing duscusing
discussion discushn
discussions discushnz
disease dizeez
diseases duzeezz
dish dish
dishes dishz
dismissed dismist
disorder disordr
disorders disordrz
display dusplaa
displayed dusplaad
displays dusplaaz
distance distns
distant distnt
distinct dustingt
distinction dustingshn
distributed dustribuutd
distribution distrubuushn
district district
districts districts
diverse diivrs divrs
diversity divrsuty duvrsuty
divide duviid
divided duviidd
divine duviin
division divizhn
divorce duvors
divorced duvorst
do doo
dock dok
doctor doctr
doctors doctrz
doctrine doctrun
document docuumnt
documents docuumnts
does duz
dog dog
dogs dogz
doing dooing
dollar dolr
dollars dolrz
domestic dohmestic dumestic
dominant domunnt
dominated domunaatd
done dun
door dor
doors dorz
doorway dorwaa
double dubl
doubt dowt
dough doh
down down
downtown downtown
dozen duzun duzn
dozens duznz
draft draft
drag drag
drain draan
drama dramu
dramatic drumatic
dramatically drumatucly
draw dro
drawing droing
drawn dron
draws droz
dream dreem
dreams dreemz
dress dres
dressed drest
dressing dresing
drew droo
dried driid
drink drink
drinking drinking
drinks drinx
drive driiv
driven drivn
driver driivr
drivers driivrz
drives driivz
driving driiving
drop drop
dropped dropt
dropping droping
drops drops
drove drohv
drug drug
drugs drugz
drunk drunk
dry drii
duke dook
during dooring
dust dust
Dutch Duch
duties dooteez
duty dooty
dye dii
dying diiing
dynamic diinamic
dynamics diinamix
e-mail eemaal
each eech
eager eegr
ear eer
earlier rleer
early rlee
earn rn
earned rnd
ears eerz
earth rth
ease eez
easier eezeer
easily eezly eezuly
east eest
eastern eestrn
easy eezy
eat eet
eating eeting
ecological eculojicl eeculojicl
economic ecunomic
economics ecunomix
economy eeconumy
edge ej
edges ejz
edition udishn
editor editr
editorial edutoreeul
editors edutrz
Edmonton Edmuntn
educated ejucaatd
education ejucaashn
educational ejucaashunl
educators ejucaatrz
effect ufekt
effective eefectiv ufectiv
effectively ufektuvly
effectiveness ufectivnus
effects eefects ufects
efficiency ufishnsy
efficient ufishnt
effort efrt
efforts efrts
egg eg
eggs egz
eight aat
either eethr
elaborate ilaburit ilaburaat
elderly eldrly
elected ulectd
election ulecshn
elections ulecshnz
electric ulectric
electrical ulectrucl
electricity ulectrisuty
electronic ulectronic
elegant elugnt
element elumnt
elementary elumentry
elements elumnts
elevator eluvaatr
eleven ulevn
eliminate ulimunaat
elite uliit eleet
else els
elsewhere elswhair
embarrassed umbairust
embrace embraas
emerged umrjd
emergency umrjunsy
emerging umrjing
emissions umishnz
emotion umohshn
emotional umohshunl
emotions umohshnz
emphasis emfuss
emphasize emfusiiz
empire empiir
employed imployd
employee employee imployee
employees employeez
employer umployr
employers umployrz
employment umploymnt
empty empty emty
enable enaabl
encounter encowntr
encountered encowntrd
encourage incrrij
encouraged incrijd
end end
ended endd
ending ending
endless endlus
ends endz
enemies enumeez
enemy enumy
energy enrjy
enforcement unforsmnt
engage ingaaj engaaj
engaged ingaajd
engagement engaajmnt
engine enjun injun
engineer enjuneer injuneer
engineering enjuneering
engineers enjuneerz
engines enjnz
English inglish
enhance enhans
enjoy injoy enjoy
enjoyed injoyd enjoyd
enjoying injoying enjoying
enormous unormus
enough inuf unuf
ensure enshoor enshr
enter entr
entered entrd
entering entring
enterprise entrpriiz
enters entrz
entertainment entrtaanmnt
enthusiasm enthoozeeazm
entire entiir
entirely entiirlee
entitled entiitld intiitld
entrance entruns
entry entry
environment inviirmnt
environmental inviirmentl
episode epusohd
equal eeql
equally eequly
equipment eeqipmnt
equity equty
equivalent uqivulnt
era airu
err air
error airr
errors airrz
escape uscaap
especially espeshly
essay esaa
essential usenshl
essentially usenshuly
establish ustablish
established ustablisht
establishing ustablishing
establishment ustablishmnt
estate istaat
estimate estumaat estumut
estimated estumaatd
estimates estumaats estumuts
ethical ethucl
ethnic ethnic
European yoorupeeun
evaluate uvaluuaat
evaluation uvaluuaashn
even eevn
evening eevning
event eevent uvent
events eevents
eventually uvenshoouly uvenshuly
ever evr
every evry
everybody evreebudy
everyday evrydaa
everyone evrywun
everything evreething
everywhere evreewhair
evidence evudns
evident evudnt
evil eevl
evolution evulooshn
evolved eevolvd
exact exact
exactly igzactly
examination examunaashn
examine examn
examined examnd
examining examuning
example exampl
examples igzamplz examplz
excellent exulnt
except exept
exception exepshn
excess exes
exchange exchaanj
excited exiitd
exciting exiiting
exclusive excloosiv
excuse excuuz excuus
executive execuutiv
exercise exrsiiz
exercises exrsiizz
exhibit exibut
exhibition exubishn
exist igzist
existed igzistd
existence igzistns
existing igzisting
exists igzists
exit exit
exotic exotic
expand expand
expanded expandd
expanding expanding
expansion expanshun
expect expect
expectations expectaashnz
expected expectd
expecting expecting
expects expects
expensive expensiv
experience expireeuns
experienced expireeunst
experiences expireeunsz
experiment expairumnt
experimental expairumentl
experiments expirumnts
expert exprt
expertise exprtees
experts exprts
explain explaan
explained explaand
explaining explaaning
explains explaanz
explanation explunaashn
exploration exploraashn
explore explor
explosion explohzhn
exposed expohzd
exposure expohzhr
express expres
expressed exprest
expression expreshn
extend extend
extended extendd
extension extenshn
extensive extensiv
extent extent
external extrnl
extra extru
extraordinary extrordnairy extruordnairy
extreme extreem
extremely extreemly
eye ii
eyed iid
eyes iiz
fabric fabric
face faas
faced faast
faces faasz
facilities fusiluteez
facility fusiluty
facing faasing
fact fact
factor factr
factors factrz
factory factry
facts facts
faculty faculty
fail faal
failed faald
failing faaling
failure faaluur
faint faant
fair fair
fairly fairly
faith faath
fall fol
fallen folun
falling foling
falls folz
false fols
fame faam
familiar familyr
families famleez
family famlee
famous faamus
fan fan
fancy fansy
fans fanz
fantasy fantusy
far far
farm farm
farmer farmr
farmers farmrz
farms farmz
farther farthr
fascinating fasunaating
fashion fashn
fast fast
faster fastr
fat fat
fate faat
father fothr
fathers fothrz
fault folt
favor faavr
favorite faavrit
fear feer
feared feed
fears feerz
feature feechr
featured feechrd
features feechrz
February Febuuairy Febrooairy
fed fed
federal fedrul
fee fee
feed feed
feel feel
feeling feeling
feelings feelingz
feels feelz
fees feez
feet feet
fell fel
fellow felo
felt felt
female feemaal
females feemaalz
feminist femunust
fence fens
festival festuvl
few fuu
fewer fuur
fiber fiibr
fiction ficshn
field feeld
fields feeldz
fifteen fifteen
fifth fifth
fifty fifty
fig fig
fight fiit
fighting fiiting
figure figuur
figured figuurd
figures figuurz
file fiil
filed fiild
files fiilz
fill fil
filled fild
filling filing
film film
films filmz
final fiinl
finally fiinuly fiinly
finance fiinans
financial fiinanshl
find fiind
finding fiinding
findings fiindingz
finds fiindz
fine fiin
finger fingr
fingers fingrz
finish finish
finished finisht
fire fiir
fired fiird
fires fiirz
firing fiiring
firm frm
firmly frmly
firms frmz
first frst
fiscal fiscl
fish fish
fishing fishing
fit fit
fitness fitnus
five fiiv
fix fix
fixed fixt
flag flag
flash flash
flat flat
flavor flaavr
fled fled
flesh flesh
flew floo
flexible flexubl
flies flii
flight fliit
flights fliits
floating flohting
flood flud
floor flor
flour flowr
flow floh
flowers flowrz
fluid flooid
fly flii
flying fliiing
focus fohcus
focused fohcust
focuses fohcusz
focusing fohcusing
folded fohldd
folk fohk
folks fohx
follow foloh
followed folohd
following folohing
follows folohz
food food
foods foodz
fool fool
foot fuht
football fuhtbol
for for
force fors
forced forst
forces forsz
forcing forsing
fore for
forehead forhed
foreign foren
forest forest
forests forusts
forever frevr forevr
forget forget frget
forgot frgot
forgotten frgotn
fork fork
form form
formal forml
format format
formation formaashn
formed formd
former formr
forms formz
formula formuulu
forth forth
fortune forchn
forty forty
forum forum
forward forwrd
foster fostr
fought fot
found fownd
foundation foundaashn
founded fowndd
founder fowndr
four for
fourth forth
frame fraam
framework fraamwrk
frankly frankly
free free
freedom freedm
french french
frequency freequnsy
frequent freeqnt
frequently freeqntly
fresh fresh
Friday friidaa
friend frend
friendly frendly
friends frendz
friendship frendship
frightened friitnd
from frum
front frunt
frozen frohzn
fruit froot
fruits froots
frustrated frustraatd
frustration frustraashn
fry frii
fuel fuul
full fuhl
fully fuhly
fun fun
function funcshn
functional fungshunl
functions fungshnz
fund fund
fundamental fundumentl
funded fundd
funds fundz
funeral fuunrul
funny funy
fur fr
furniture frnichr
further frthr
furthermore frthrmor
future fuuchr
gain gaan
gained gaand
gains gaanz
gallery galry
game gaam
games gaamz
gang gang
gap gap
garage guraj gurozh
garbage garbij
garden gardn
gardens gardnz
garlic garlic
gas gas
gasoline gasuleen
gate gaat
gather gathr
gathered gathrd
gathering gathring
gave gaav
gay gaa
gaze gaaz
gear geer
gender jendr
gene jeen
general jenrul
generally jenruly
generate jenraat
generated jenraatd
generation jenraashn
generations jenraashnz
generous jenrus
genes jeenz
genetic junetic
genius jeeneeus
gentle jentl
gentlemen jentlmn
gently jently
genuine jenuuiin
German Jrmun
gesture jeschr
get get
gets gets
getting geting
ghost gohst
giant jiiunt
giants jiiunts
gift gift
gifted giftd
gifts gifts
girl grl
girlfriend grlfrend
girls grlz
give giv
given givn
gives givz
giving giving
glad glad
glance glans
glanced glanst
glass glas
glasses glasz
global glohbl
globe glohb
gloves gluvz
glow gloh
go goh
goal gohl
goals gohlz
God God
goes gohz
going gohing
gold gohld
golden gohldn
golf golf
gone gon
good guhd
goods guhdz
gospel gospl
got got
gotten gotn
government guvrmnt
governments guvrmnts
governor guvunr
grab grab
grabbed grabd
grabs grabz
grace graas
grade graad
grades graadz
gradually grajuly
graduate grajooaat
grain graan
grand grand
grandfather granfothr
grandmother granmuthr
grant grant
granted grantd
grants grants
graphic grafic
grass gras
grate graat
grateful graatfuhl
grave graav
gravity gravuty
gray graa
great graat
greater graatr
greatest graatst
greatly graatly
Greek Greek
green green
grew groo
grief greef
grill gril
grip grip
grocery grohsry
gross grohs
ground grownd
grounds growndz
group groop
groups groops
grow groh
growing grohing
grown grohn
grows grohz
growth grohth
guarantee gairuntee
guard gard
guards gardz
guess ges
guest gest
guests gests
guidance giidns
guide giid
guided giidd
guidelines giidliinz
guilt gilt
guilty gilty
guitar gitar
gulf gulf
gun gun
guns gunz
guy gii
guys giiz
gym jim
habit habut
habitat habutat
habits habuts
had had
hadn’t hadnt
hair hair
half haf
halfway hafwaa
hall hol
hallway holwaa
hand hand
handed handd
handful handfuhl
handle handl
handled handld
handling handling
hands handz
handsome hansm
hang hang
hanging hanging
happen hapn
happened hapnd
happening hapuning
happens hapnz
happiness hapeenus
happy hapy
harbor harbr
hard hard
harder hardr
hardly hardly
hardware hardwair
harm harm
harsh harsh
harvest harvst
has haz
hasn’t hasnt
hat hat
hate haat
hated haatd
have hav
having having
havn’t havnt
hay haa
he hee
head hed
headed hedd
heading hediñ
headquarters hedqortrz
heads hedz
healing heeling
health helth
healthy helthy
hear heer
heard hrd
hearing heering
hearings heeringz
heart hart
hearts harts
heat heet
heaven hevn
heavily hevuly
heavy hevy
heels heelz
height hiit
heights hiits
heir air
held held
helicopter helucoptr
hell hel
hello heloh
help help
helped helpt
helpful helpfuhl
helping helping
helps helps
hence hens
her hr
here heer
heritage hairitij
hero heeroh
heroes heerohz
hers hrz
herself hrself
hey haa
Hi hii
Hi hii
hidden hidn
hide hiid
high hii
higher hiir
highest hiiust
highly hiily
highway hiiwaa
hill hil
hills hilz
him him
himself himself
hire hiir
hired hiird
hiring hiiring
his hiz
Hispanic Hispanic
historian historeeun
historians historeeunz
historic historic
historical historucl
historically historicly
history histry
hit hit
hits hits
hitting hiting
hold hohld
holding hohlding
holds hohldz
hole hohl
holes hohlz
holiday holudaa
holy hohly
home hohm
homeland hohmland
homeless hohmlus
homes hohmz
honest onust
honey huny
honor onr
hood huhd
hook huhk
hope hohp
hoped hohpt
hopefully hohpfuhly
hopes hohps
hoping hohping
horizon huriizn
horrible horubl
horror horr
horse hors
horses horsz
hospital hospitl
hospitals hospitlz
host hohst
hostile hostiil
hot hot
hotel hohtel
hotels hohtelz
hour owr
hours owrz
house hows
household houshohld
households howshohldz
houses howzz
housing howzing
how how
however howevr
hue huu
huge huuj
human huumn
humanity huumanuty
humans huumnz
humor huumr
hundred hundrud
hundreds hundredz
hung hung
hungry hungry
hunt hunt
hunters huntrz
hunting hunting
hurricane hricaan
hurry hry
hurt hrt
husband huzbnd
hut hut
hypothesis hiipothuss
Hythe Hiith
I'll iil
ice iis
idea iideeu
ideal iideel
ideas iideeuz
identical iidenticl
identification iidentufukaashn
identified iidentufiid
identify iidentufii
identifying iidentufiiing
identity iidentuty
ideological ideeulojucl iidulojucl
ideology ideeolujy iideeolujy
Idlewild iidlwiild
if if
ignore ignor
ignored ignord
ill il
illegal ileegl
illness ilnus
illustrated ilustraatd
illustration ilustraashn
image imij
images imijz
imagination imajunaashn
imagine imajn
imagined imajnd
immediate imeedeeut
immediately imeedeeutly
immigrant imugrunt
immigrants imugrunts
immigration imugraashn
immune imuun
impact impact
implement implument implumunt
implementation implumntaashn
implemented implumentd
implications implucaashnz
importance importuns
important importnt
imposed impohzd
impossible imposubl
impressed imprest
impression impreshn
impressive impresiv
improve improov
improved improovd
improvement improovmnt
improvements improovmnts
improving improoving
in in
incentives insentivz
inch inch
inches inchz
incident insudnt
include inclood
included inkloodd
includes incloodz
including inclooding
income incum
increase increes
increased increest
increases increesz
increasing increesing
increasingly increesingly
incredible incredubl
incredibly incredubly
indeed indeed
independence indupendns
independent indeependnt
index index
Indian Indeeun
Indians Indeeunz
indicate inducaat
indicated indukaatd
indicates inducaats
indicating inducaating
indication inducaashn
indigenous indijunus
individual induvijooul
individuals induvijooulz
industrial industreeul
industries indstreez
industry industry
inevitable inevitubl
infant infnt
infection infecshn
inflation inflaashn
influence infloouns
influenced infloounst
influential inflooenshl
information infrmaashn
informed informd
infrastructure infrustrucchr
ingredients ingreedeeunts
initial inishl
initially inishuly
initiative inishutiv
initiatives inishutivz
injured injrd
injuries injreez
injury injry
inner inr
innocent inusnt
inquiry inqiiry
inside insiid
insight insiit
insist insist
insisted insistd
insists insists
inspiration inspuraashn
inspired inspiird
installed instold
instances instnsz
instant instnt
instantly instntly
instead insted
institute instutoot
institution instutooshn
institutional instutooshunl
institutions instutooshnz
instruction instrucshn
instructional instrucshunl
instructions instrucshnz
instructor instructr
instrument instrumnt
instruments instrumnts
insurance inshoorns
integrated intugraatd
integration intugraashn
integrity integruty
intellectual intulecchooul
intelligence intelujns
intelligent intelujnt
intended intendd
intense intens
intensity intensuty
intent intent
intention intenshn
interaction intracshn
interactions inturacshnz
interest intrust
interested intrustd
interesting intrusting
interests intrusts
interior intireer
internal intrnl
international intrnashnl
internet intrnet
interpretation intrprutaashn
intervention intrvenshn
interventions intrvenshnz
interview intrvuu
interviewed intrvuud
interviewing intrvuuing
interviews intrvuuz
intimate intumut intumaat
into intoo
introduce intrudoos
introduced intrudoost
introduction intruducshn
invasion invaazhn
invest invest
investigating investugaating
investigation investugaashn
investigations investigaashnz
investigators investigaatrz
investment investmnt
investments investmnts
investors investrz
invisible invizubl
invited inviitd
involve involv
involved involvd
involvement involvmnt
involves involvz
involving involving
Iranian Iraaneeun Ironeeun
Iraq iirak
Irish iirish
iron iirn
is iz
Islam Islom Izlom
Islamic Islomic Izlomic
island iilnd
islands iilndz
isle iil
isolated iisulaatd
isolation iisulaashn
Israeli Izraalee
Israelis Izraaleez
issue ishoo
issued ishood
issues ishooz
it it
Italian Italyun iitalyun
item iitm
items iitmz
its its
itself itself
jacket jacut
jail jaal
January Januuairy
Japanese japuneez
jazz jaz
jeans jeenz
jet jet
jewelry joolry
Jewish jooish
Jews Jooz
job job
jobs jobz
Jodie Johdee
join join
joined joind
joining joining
joins joinz
joint joint
joke johk
jokes johx
journal jrnl
journalist jrnulust
journalists jrnulusts
journey jrny
joy joy
judge juj
judges jujz
judgment jujmnt
judicial joodishl
juice joos
July Julii
jump jump
jumped jumpt jumt
june Joon
junior joonyr
jury joory jry
just just
justice justus
keep keep
keeping keeping
keeps keeps
kept kept
Kevin Kevn
key kee
keys keez
kick kik
kicked kikt
kid kid
kids kidz
kill kil
killed kild
killer kilr
killing kiling
kind kiind
kinds kiindz
king king
kiss kis
kitchen kicn
knee nee
knees neez
knew noo
knife niif
knock nok
knocked nokt
know noh
knowing nohing
knowledge nolij
known nohn
knows nohz
Korean Koreeun
lab lab
label laabl
labor laabr
laboratory labrutory
lack lak
ladies laadeez
lady laady
laid laad
lake laak
lakes laax
land land
landed landd
landing landing
lands landz
landscape lanscaap
lane laan
language langwij
languages langwijz
lap lap
large larj
largely larjly
larger larjr
largest larjst larjust
last last
late laat
lately laatlee
later laatr
latest latust
Latin Latn
latter latr
laugh laf
laughed laft
laughing lafing
laughs lafs
laughter laftr
launch lonch
launched loncht
law lo
lawn lon
laws loz
lawsuit losoot
lawyer loyr
lawyers loyrz
lay laa
layer laar
layers laarz
lead leed led
leader leedr
leaders leedrz
leadership leedrship
leading leeding
leads leedz
leaf leef
league leeg
lean leen
leaned leend
leaning leening
learn lrn
learned lrnd
learning lrning
least leest
leather lethr
leave leev
leaves leevz
leaving leeving
led led
ledge lej
left left
leg leg
legacy legusy
legal leegl
legend lejnd
legislation lejuslaashn
legislative lejuslaativ
legislature lejuslaachr
legitimate lijitumut
legs legz
lemon lemn
length length
less les
lesson lesn
lessons lesnz
let let
letter letr
letters letrz
letting leting
level levl
levels levlz
liberal librul
liberty librty
library liibrairy
license liisns
lie lii
lies liiz
lieutenant lootennt
life liif
lifetime liiftiim
lift lift
lifted liftd
lifting lifting
light liit
lighting liitning
lightly liitly
lights liits
like liik
liked liikt
likely liikly
likes liix
limit limit
limitations limutaashnz
limited limitd
limits limits
line liin
lined liind
lines liinz
link link
linked lingkt
links lingx
lip lip
lips lips
liquid liqid
list list
listed listd
listen lisn
listened lisnd
listening lisning
lists lists
lit lit
literally litruly
literary litrairy
literature litruchr
little litl
live liv liiv
lived livd
lives livz liivz
living living
load lohd
loaded lohdd
loan lohn
loans lohnz
lobby loby
local lohcl
located lohcaatd
location lohcaashn
locations lohcaashnz
lock lok
locked lokt
log log
logic lojic
lone lohn
lonely lohnly
long long
longer longr
longtime longtiim
look luhk
looked luhkt
looking luhking
looks luhx
loose loos
lord lord
lose looz
losing loozing
loss los
losses losz
lost lost
lot lot
lots lots
loud lowd
love luv
loved luvd
lovely luvly
lover luvr
loves luvz
loving luving
low loh
lower lohr
lowered lohrd
luck luk
lucky luky
lunch lunch
luxury luxry
lying liiing
machine musheen
machines musheenz
mad mad
Maddie Madee
Maddison Madisn
made maad
magazine maguzeen
magazines maguzeenz
magic majic
magnitude magnutood
mail maal
main maan
mainly maanly
mainstream maanstreem
maintain maantaan
maintained maantaand
maintaining maantaaning
maintenance maantnns
major maajr
majority mujority
make maak
maker maakr
makers maakrz
makes maax
makeup maakup
making maaking
male maal
males maalz
mama mumu
man man
manage manij
managed manijd
management manijmnt
manager manijr
managers manijrz
managing manijing
manner manr
manual manuuul
manufacturers manuufacchrrz
manufacturing manuufacchring
many meny
map map
maps maps
march march
marine mreen
mark mark
marked markt
market markut
marketing markuting
markets markuts
marks marx
marriage mairij
married maireed
marry mairy
mask mask
mass mas
massive masiv
master mastr
masters mastrz
match mach
material mutireeul
materials mutireeulz
math math
mathematics mathmatix
matter matr
matters matrz
mature muchoor
maximum maxumm
may maa
maybe maabee
mayor maar
me mee
meal meel
meals meelz
mean meen
meaning meening
means meenz
meant ment
meanwhile meenwhiil
measure mezhr
measured mezhrd
measures mezhrz
meat meet
mechanical mucanucl
mechanism mecunizm
media meedeeu
medical medicl
medication meducaashn
medicine medusun
medium meedeeum
meet meet
meeting meeting
meetings meetingz
meets meets
member membr
members membrz
membership membrship
memorial mmoreeul
memories memreez
memory memry
men men
mental mentl
mention menshn
mentioned menshnd
menu menuu
mere meer
merely meerly
mess mes
message mesij
messages mesijz
met met
metal metl
meters meetrz
method methud
methods methudz
Mexican Mexucn
middle midl
midnight midniit
might miit
Mikayla Mukaalu
mild miild
mile miil
miles miilz
military militairy
milk milk
mill mil
million milyun
millions milyunz
mind miind
minds miindz
mine miin
minimal minuml
minimum minumm
minister ministr
ministry minustry
minor miinr
minorities munoruteez
minority munorutee
minute minit miinuut
minutes minits
miracle meerucl
mirror meerr
miss mis
missed mist
missile misl
missiles mislz
missing mising
mission mishn
mistake mustaak
mistakes mustaax
mix mix
mixed mixt
mixture mixchr
mobile mohbul mohbiil
mode mohd
model modl
models modlz
moderate modrit modraat
modern modrn
modest modust
mom mum
moment mohmnt
moments mohmnts
Monday Mundaa
money muny
monitor monutr
monitoring monutring
monster monstr
month munth
monthly munthly
months munths
mood mood
moon moon
moral morul
more mor
moreover morohvr
morning morning
mortality mortaluty
most mohst
mostly mohstly
mother muthr
mothers muthrz
motion mohshn
motivated mohtuvaatd
motivation mohtuvaashn
motor mohtr
mount mownt
mountain mowntn
mountains mowntnz
mounted mowntd
mouth mowth
move moov
moved moovd
movement moovmnt
movements moovmnts
moves moovz
movie moovee
movies mooveez
moving mooving
much much
mud mud
multiple multipl mutupl
murder mrdr
murdered mrdrd
muscle musl
muscles muslz
museum muuzeeum
music muuzic
musical muuzucl
musicians muuzishnz
Muslim Muzlm
Muslims Muzlumz
must must
mutual muuchooul
my mii
myself miiself
mysterious mustireeus
mystery mistry
myth mith
naked naakd
name naam
named naamd
names naamz
narrative nairutiv
narrator nairaatr
narrow nairoh
nation naashn
national nashnl
nations naashnz
nationwide naashnwiid
native naativ naatv
natural nachrul
naturally nachruly
nature naachr
navy naavy
near neer
nearby neerbii
nearly neerly
necessarily nesusairly
necessary nesusairy
neck nek
need need
needed needd
needs needz
negative negutiv
negotiate nugohsheeaat
negotiations nugohsheeaashnz
neighbor naabr
neighborhood naabrhuhd
neighborhoods naabrhuhdz
neighbors naabrz
neither neethr
nerve nrv
nervous nrvus
net net
network netwrk
networks netwrx
neutral nootrl
never nevr
nevertheless nevrthules
new noo
newly nooly
news nooz
newspaper noozpaapr
newspapers noozpaaprz
next next
nice niis
night niit
nights niits
nine niin
no noh
nobody nohbudy
nodded nodd
nods nodz
noise noiz
nomination nomunaashn
none nun
nonetheless nunthules
nonprofit nonprofit
noon noon
nor nor
normal norml
normally normuly
north north
northeast northeest
northern northrn
northwest northwest
nose nohz
not not
note noht
noted nohtd
notes nohts
nothing nuthing
notice nohtis
noticed nohtist
notion nohshn
novel novl
novels novlz
November nohvembr
now now
nowhere nohwhair
nuclear noocleer
number numbr
numbers numbrz
numerous noomrus
nun nun
nurse nrs
nurses nrsz
nursing nrsing
nut nut
nutrition nootrishn
nuts nuts
o'clock uclok
oak ohk
object object ubject
objective ubjectiv
objectives ubjectivz
objects objikts ubjekts
observation obzrvashn
observations obsrvaashnz
observe ubzrv
observed ubzrvd
observers ubzrvrz
obtain ubtaan
obtained ubtaand
obvious obveeus
obviously obveeusly
occasion ucaazhn
occasionally ucaazhnuly
occasions ucaazhnz
occupation ocuupaashn
occupied ocuupiid
occur ucr ohcr
occurred ucrd
occurs ucrz
ocean ohshn
October Octohbr
odd od
odds odz
of uv
off of
offense ufens
offensive ufensiv
offer ofr
offered ofrd
offering ofring
offers ofrz
office ofis
officer ofisr
officers ofisrz
offices ofisz
official ufishl
officially ufishuly
officials ufishlz
often ofn oftn
oh oh
oil oil
ok ok
okay ohkaa
old ohld
older ohldr
oldest ohldst
olive oliv
Olympic Ohlimpic Ulimpic
on on
once wuns
one wun
ongoing ongohing
onion unyun unyn
onions unyunz
online onliin
only ohnly
onto ontoo
open ohpun ohpn
opened ohpnd ohpund
opening ohpuning ohpning
opens ohpnz ohpunz
opera opru
operate opraat
operating opraating
operation opraashn
operations opraashnz
opinion upinyun
opinions upineeunz
opponents upohnnts
opportunities oprtooniteez
opportunity oprtoonity
opposed upohzd
opposite opusut
opposition opuzishn
optimistic optumistic
option opshn
options opshnz
or or
orange ornj
order ordr
ordered ordrd
orders ordrz
ordinary ordunairy
ore or
organic organic
organization orgunuzaashn
organizational orgunuzaashunl
organizations orgunuzaashnz
organized orguniizd
orientation oreeuntaashn
origin orujn
original urijunl
originally urijunuly
other uthr
others uthrz
otherwise uthrwiiz
ought ot
our owr
ours owrz
ourselves owrselvz
out owt
outcome owtcum
outcomes owtcumz
outdoor owtdor
outer owtr
output owtpuht
outside owtsiid
outstanding outstanding
oven uvn
over ohvr
overall ohvrol
overcome ohvrcum
overhead ohvrhed
overseas ohvrseez
overwhelming ohvrwhelming
own ohn
owned ohnd
owner ohnr
owners ohnrz
owns ohnz
oxygen oxijn
pa po
pace paas
pack pak
package pakij
packed pact
page paaj
pages paajz
paid paad
pain paan
painful paanful
paint paant
painted paantd
painting paanting
paintings paantingz
pair pair
palace palus
pale paal
Palestinian Palustineeun
Palestinians Palustineeunz
palm pom
pan pan
pane paan
panel panl
panic panic
pants pants
paper paapr
papers paaprz
par par
parade puraad
parallel pairulel
parent pairunt
parental purentl
parents pairunts
park park
parked parkt
parking parking
parks parx
parliament parlumnt
part part
participant partisupnt
participants partisupnts
participate partisupaat
participated partisupaatd
participating partisupaating
participation partisupaashn
particular prticuulr putikuulr
particularly prticuulairly
parties parteez
partly partly
partner partnr
partners partnrz
parts parts
party party
pass pas
passed past
passenger pasunjr
passengers pasnjrz
passes pasz
passing pasing
passion pashn
past past
pasta postu pastu
pastor pastr
patch pach
path path
patience paashns
patient paashnt
patients paashnts
patrol putrohl
pattern patrn
patterns patrnz
pause poz
paused pozd
pay paa
paying paaing
payment paamnt
payments paamnts
pays paaz
peace pees
peaceful peesfuhl
peak peek
pear pair
peer peer
peers peerz
pen pen
penalty penlty
pension penshn
people peepl
pepper pepr
per pr
perceived prseevd
percent prsent
percentage prsentij
perception prsepshn
perceptions prsepshnz
perfect prfict prfect
perfectly prfucly prfuctly
perform prform
performance prformns
performances prformunsz
performed prformd
performing prforming
perhaps prhaps
period peereeud pireeud
periods pireeudz
permanent prmunnt
permission prmishn
permit prmit
person prsun
personal prsunl
personality prsunaluty
personally prsnuly
personnel prsunel
persons prsnz
perspective prspectiv
perspectives prspectivz
pet pet
phase faaz
phenomenon funomunn
philosophy fulosufy
phone fohn
phones fohnz
photo fohtoh
photograph fohtugraf
photographer futogrufr
photographs fohtugrafs
photography futogrufy
photos fohtohz
phrase fraaz
physical fizicl
physically fizicly
physician fuzishn
physicians fuzishnz
physics fizix
piano peeanoh
pick pik
picked pikt
picking piking
picks pix
picture picchr
pictures picchrz
pie pii
piece pees
pieces peesz
pier peer
pile piil
pilot piilut
pilots piiluts
pine piin
pink pink
pipe piip
pitch pich
pizza peetsu
place plaas
placed plaast
places plaasz
plain plaan
plan plan
plane plaan
planes plaanz
planet planut
planned pland
planning planing
plans planz
plant plant
planted plantd
plants plants
plastic plastic
plate plaat
platform platform
play plaa
played plaad
player plaar
players plaarz
playing plaaing
plays plaaz
pleasant pleznt
please pleez
pleased pleezd
pleasure plezhr
plenty plenty
plot plot
plus plus
pocket pocut
pockets pokuts
poem pohum
poet pohut
poetry pohutry
point point
pointed pointd
pointing pointing
points points
pole pohl
police pulees
policies poliseez
policy polisy
polish polish
political pulitucl
politically pulitucly
politicians polutishnz
politics politix
poll pohl
polls pohlz
pollution pulooshn
pool pool
poor poor
pop pop
Pope Pohp
popular popuulr
popularity popuulairuty
population popuulaashn
populations popuulaashnz
porch porch
pork pork
port port
portion porshn
portrait portrut
pose pohz
position puzishn
positions puzishnz
positive pozutiv
possibilities posubiluteez
possibility posubiluty
possible posubl
possibly posibly
post pohst
pot pot
potato putaatoh
potatoes putaatohz
potential ptenshl
potentially putenshuly
pounds powndz
poured pord
poverty povrty
powder powdr
power powr
powerful powrfuhl
powers powrz
practical practucl
practically practucly
practice practis
practices practisz
praise praaz
pray praa
prayer prair
precious preshs
precise prusiis
precisely prusiisly
predict prudict
predicted prudictd
prefer prufr
preferred prufrd
pregnancy pregnnsy
pregnant pregnnt
preparation prepuraashn
prepare prupair
prepared pripaird preepaird
preparing prupairing
prescription pruscripshn
presence prezns
present preezent preznt
presentation prezntaashn
presented prizentd
presents preznts prizents
preserve pruzrv
presidency prezudnsy
president prezidnt
presidential prezudenshl
presidents prezudnts
press pres
pressed prest
pressing presing
pressure preshr
pressures preshrz
pretty prity
prevent privent pruvent
prevention pruvenshn
previous preeveeus
previously preeveeusly
price priis
prices priisz
pride priid
priest preest
primarily priimairuly
primary priimairy
prime priim
prince prins
princess prinses
principal prinsupl
principle prinsupl
principles prinsuplz
print print
printed printd
prior priir
priorities priioruteez
priority priioruty
prison prizn
prisoners priznrz
privacy priivusy
private priivut
prize priiz
pro proh
probably probubly probly
problem problm
problems problmz
procedure pruseejr
procedures pruseejrz
process prohses proses
processes prosesz
processing prosesing
produce prudoos
produced prudoost
producer prudoosr
producers prudoosrz
produces prudoosz
producing prudoosing
product product
production pruducshn
productive pruductiv
productivity productivuty
products products
profession prufeshn
professional prufeshnl
professionals prufeshunlz
professor prufesr
profile prohfiil
profit profut
profits profuts
profound prufound
program prohgram
programming prohgraming
programs prohgramz
progress prugres progres
progressive prugresiv
project prujekt projekt
projects projects prujects
prominent promunnt
promise promus
promised promust
promises promusz
promote prumoht
promoting prumohting
prompted promptd
proof proof
proper propr
properly proprly
properties proprteez
property proprty
proportion pruporshn
proposal prupohzl
proposals prupohzlz
proposed prupohzd
prosecutor prosucuutr
prosecutors prosucuutrz
prospect prospect
prospects prospects
protect prutect
protected prutectd
protecting prutecting
protection prutecshn
protective prutectiv
protein prohteen
protest prohtest prutest
proud prowd
prove proov
proved proovd
proven proovn
provide pruviid
provided pruviidd
providers pruviidrz
provides pruviidz
providing pruviiding
province provuns
provision pruvizhn
provisions pruvizhnz
psychological siiculojucl
psychology siicolujy
public public
publication publucaashn
publications publicaashnz
publicly publicly
published publisht
publisher publishr
pull puhl
pulled puhld
pulling puhling
pulls puhlz
pump pump
punishment punishmnt
purchase prchs
purchased prchst
pure puur
purple prpl
purpose prpus
purposes prpusz
pursue prsoo
pursuit prsoot
push puhsh
pushed puhsht
pushing puhshing
put puht
puts puhts
putt put
putting puting puhting
putts puts
Qikit qikit
qualified qolufiid
qualities qoluteez
quality qolity
quarter qortr
quarterback qortrbak
quarters qortrz
queen qeen
quest qest
question qeschn
questioned qeschnd
questioning qeschuning
questionnaire qeschunair
questions qeschnz
quick qik
quickly qikly
quiet qiiut
quietly qiiutly
quit qit
quite qiit
quote qoht
race raas
races raasz
racial raashl
racing raasing
racism raasizm
radical raducl
radio raadeeoh
rage raaj
rail raal
railroad raalrohd
rain raan
raise raaz
raised raazd
raises raazz
raising raazing
rally raly
ran ran
ranch ranch
random randm
range raanj
ranging raanjing
rank rank
ranks ranx
rape raap
rapid rapud
rapidly rapudly
rare rair
rarely rairly
rate raat
rated raatd
rates raats
rather rathr
rating raating
ratings raatingz
raw ro
rays raaz
reach reech
reached reecht
reaches reechz
reaching reeching
react reeact
reaction reeacshn
reactions reeacshnz
read reed
reader reedr
readers reedrz
readily reduly
reading reeding
reads reedz
ready redy
real reel
realistic reeulistic
reality reeality
realize reeuliiz
realized reeuliizd
really reely
rear reer
reason reezun
reasonable reezunubl reeznubl
reasons reeznz
recall ricol reecol
recalled ricold
recalls ricolz reecolz
receive riseev reeseev
received riseevd reeseevd
receiver ruseevr
receiving ruseeving
recent reesnt
recently reesntly
recession ruseshn
recipe resupee
recipes resupeez
recognition recugnishn
recognize recugniiz
recognized recugniizd
recommend recumend
recommended recumendd
record recrd reecord
recorded ricordd
recording rucording
records recrdz reecordz
recover ricuvr rucuvr
recovered ricuvrd rucuvrd
recovery rucuvry
red red
reduce reedoos
reduced rudoost
reducing rudoosing
reduction ruducshn
reed reed
refer rufr
reference refruns
references refrunsz
referred rufrd
refers rufrz
reflect ruflect
reflected ruflectd
reflection ruflecshn
reflects ruflects
reform reeform
reforms ruformz
refugees refuujeez
refuse rufuuz refuus
refused rufuuzd
regard rugard
regarded rugardd
regarding rigarding
regardless rugardlus
regime ruzheem
region reejun
regional reejunl
regions reejnz
register rejustr
registered rejustrd
regular reguulr
regularly reguulrly
regulation reguulaashn
regulations reguulaashnz
regulatory reguulutoree
reign raan
rein raan
rejected rijectd
relate rulaat
related rulaatd
relation rulaashn
relations reelaashnz
relationship rilaashnship
relationships rilaashnships
relative relutiv
relatively relutivly
relatives relutivz
relax rilax
relaxed rulaxt
release rulees reelees
released ruleest releest
relevant reluvnt
reliability ruliiubiluty
reliable ruliiubl
relief ruleef
religion reelijn
religious rilijs reelijs
reluctant ruluctnt
rely rulii
remain reemaan rumaan
remained reemaand
remaining reemaaning
remains reemaanz
remarkable rumarkubl
remarks rumarx
remember rumembr
remembered rumembrd
remembers rumembrz
remind rumiind
reminded rumiindd
remote rumoht
remove reemoov
removed rumoovd
Renata Runatu
rent rent
repeat rupeet
repeated rupeetd
repeatedly rupeetdly
replace ruplaas
replaced ruplaast
replacement ruplaasmnt
replied rupliid
report ruport reeport
reported ruportd reeportd
reporter ruportr reeportr
reporters ruportrz reeporterz
reporting ruporting reeporting
reports ruports reeports
represent repruzent
representation repruzentaashn
representative repruzentutiv
representatives repruzentutivz
represented repruzentd
representing repruzenting
represents repruzents
republic rupublic
Republican Rupublucn
Republicans rupublucnz
reputation repuutaashn
reputation repuutaashn
request ruqest
require ruqiir
required ruqiird
requirement ruqiirmnt
requirements ruqiirmnts
requires ruqiirz
requiring ruqiiring
rescue rescuu
research reesrch rusrch
researcher reesrchr rusrchr
researchers reesrchrz rusrchrz
reserve ruzrv
residence rezudns
resident rezudnt
residential rezudenshl
residents rezidnts
resist ruzist
resistance ruzistns
resolution rezulooshn
resolve ruzolv
resolved ruzolvd
resort ruzort
resource ruzors
resources ruzorsz
respect ruspect reespect
respected ruspectd
respectively ruspectivly
respond rispond
responded ruspondd
respondents ruspondnts
responding rusponding
response ruspons
responses rusponsz
responsibilities rusponsubiluteez
responsibility rusponsubiluty
responsible rusponsubl
rest rest
restaurant restront resturont
restaurants restronts
restore rustor
result rizult
resulted ruzultd
resulting ruzulting
results rizults
retail reetaal
retired rutiird
retirement rutiirmnt
retreat rutreet
return reetrn rutrn
returned rutrnd reetrnd
returning rutrning reetrning
returns rutrnz reetrnz
reveal ruveel
revealing ruveeling
reveals ruveelz
revenue revunuu revunoo
revenues revunuuz revunooz
review ruvuu reevuu
reviewed ruvuud
reviews ruvuuz
revolution revulooshn
revolutionary revulooshunairy
reward ruword
rhetoric returic
rhythm rithm
rice riis
rich rich
rid rid
ride riid
ridge rij
ridiculous rudicuulus
riding riiding
rifle riifl
right riit
rights riits
ring ring
rings ringz
rise riiz
rises riizz
rising riizing
risk risk
risks risx
rite riit
rival riivl
river rivr
rivers rivrz
road rohd
roads rohdz
rock rok
rocks rox
rod rod
role rohl
roles rohlz
roll rohl
rolled rohld
rolling rohling
rolls rohlz
Roman Rohmn
romance rohmans
romantic rohmantic
roof roof
room room
rooms roomz
root root
roots roots
rope rohp
rose rohz
rough ruf
roughly rufly
round rownd
route rowt root
routine rooteen
row roh row
royal royl
rubber rubr
rule rool
ruled roold
rules roolz
ruling rooling
rum rum
run run
running runing
runs runz
rural roorl
rush rush
rushed rusht
rushing rushing
Russian Rushn
Russians Rushnz
Ryan Riiun
rye rii
sacred saacrud
sacrifice sacrufiis
sad sad
safe saaf
safety saafty
said sed
sake saak
salad salud
salary salry
sale saal
sales saalz
salmon samn
salt solt
same saam
sample sampl
samples samplz
sanctions sangshnz
sand sand
sang sang
Saskatchewan Suskachuwn
sat sat
satellite satuliit
satisfaction satusfacshn
satisfied satusfiid
Saturday satrdaa
sauce sos
save saav
saved saavd
saving saaving
savings saavingz
saw so
say saa
saying saaing
says sez
scale scaal
scales scaalz
scared scaird
scary scairy
scattered scatrd
scenario sunaireeoh
scene seen
scenes seenz
schedule scejul scejl
scheduled scejuld
scheme sceem
scholars scolrz
scholarship scolrship
school scool
schools scoolz
science siiuns
sciences siiunsz
scientific siiuntific
scientist siiuntust
scientists siiuntusts
scope scohp
score scor
scored scord
scores scorz
scoring scoring
Scott Scot
screaming screeming
screen screen
screening screening
script script
sea see
seal seel
search srch
searching srching
seas seez
season seezun
seasons seeznz
seat seet
seated seetd
seats seets
second secnd
secondary secndairy
seconds secundz
secret seecrit
secretary secrutairy
secrets seecruts
section secshn
sections secshnz
sector sectr
secular secuulr
secure sucuur
securities sucuurutees
security sucuurity
see see
seed seed
seeds seedz
seeing seeing
seek seek
seeking seeking
seem seem
seemed seemd
seems seemz
seen seen
sees seez
segment segmnt
seize seez
select sulect
selected sulectd
selection sulecshn
self self
sell sel
selling seling
sells selz
senate senut
senator senutr
senators senutrz
send send
sending sending
senior seenyr
seniors seenyrz
sense sens
sensitive sensutiv
sent sent
sentence sentns
separate seprut sepuraat
separated sepraatd
separation sepraashn
September Suptembr Septembr
sergeant sarjnt
series sireez
serious seereeus sireeus
seriously sireeusly seereeusly
serve srv
served srvd
serves srvz
service srvis
services srvisz
serving srving
servings srvingz
session seshn
sessions seshnz
set set
sets sets
setting seting
settings setingz
settle setl
settled setld
settlement setlmnt
seven sevn
seventh sevnth
several sevrul
severe suveer
sex sex
Sexsmith Sexmith
sexual sexuuul
sexually sexuuuly
shade shaad
shadow shadoh
shadows shadohz
shake shaak
shaking shaaking
shall shal
shallow shaloh
shape shaap
shaped shaapt
shapes shaaps
share shair
shared shaird
shares shairz
sharing shairing
Sharon Shairun
sharp sharp
sharply sharply
she shee
shed shed
sheep sheep
sheer sheer
sheet sheet
sheets sheets
shell shel
shelter sheltr
sheriff shairuf
shift shift
shifting shifting
shifts shifts
ship ship
ships ships
shirt shrt
shit shit
shock shok
shocked shokt
shoe shoo
shoes shooz
shook shuhk
shoot shoot
shooting shooting
shop shop
shopping shoping
shops shops
shore shor
short short
shorter shortr
shortly shortly
shot shot
shots shots
should shuhd
shoulder shohldr
shoulders shohldrz
shouldn’t shuhdnt
shouted showtd
show shoh
showed shohd
shower showr
showing shohing
shown shohn
shows shohz
shrimp shrimp
shrugged shrugd
shut shut
shuttle shutl
shy shii
sick sik
side siid
sidebar siidbar
sides siidz
sigh sii
sighed siid
sight siit
sign siin
signal signl
signals signlz
signed siind
significance significns
significant significnt
significantly sugnifucntly
signing siining
signs siinz
silence siiluns
silent siilnt
silk silk
silly sily
silver silvr
similar simulr
similarly simulairly
simple simpl
simply simply
simultaneously siimultaaneeusly
sin sin
since sins
sing sing
singer singr
singing singing
single singl
sink sink
sir sr
sister sistr
sisters sistrz
sit sit
site siit
sites siits
sits sits
sitting siting
situation sichooaashn
situations sichooaashnz
six six
sixth sixth
size siiz
sizes siizz
ski skee
skill skil
skills skilz
skin skin
skirt skrt
sky skii
sleep sleep
sleeping sleeping
slice sliis
sliced sliist
slices sliisz
slid slid
slide sliid
slightly sliitly
slip slip
slipped slipt
slow sloh
slowly slohly
sly slii
small smol
smaller smolr
smart smart
smell smel
smile smiil
smiled smiild
smiles smiilz
smiling smiiling
smoke smohk
smoking smohking
smooth smooth
snapped snapt
snow snoh
so soh
soar sor
soccer socr
social sohshl
societies susiiuteez
society susiiuty
sodium sohdeeum
soft soft
softly softlee
software softwair
soil soil
solar sohlr
sold sohld
soldier sohljr
soldiers sohljrz
sole sohl
solid solud
solution sulooshn
solutions sulooshnz
solve solv
some sum
somebody sumbudy
somehow sumhow
someone sumwun
something sumthing
sometimes sumtiimz
somewhat sumwhut
somewhere sumwhair
son sun
song song
songs songz
sons sunz
soon soon
sooner soonr
sophisticated sufistucaatd
sore sor
sorry sory
sort sort
sorts sorts
sought sot
soul sohl
sound sownd
sounded sowndd
sounds soundz
soup soop
source sors
sources sorsz
south sowth
southeast sowtheest
southern suthrn
southwest southwest
Soviet Sohveeut
space spaas
spaces spaasz
Spanish Spanish
spare spair
speak speek
speaker speekr
speaking speeking
speaks speex
special speshl
specialist speshulust
species speeseez
specific spusific
specifically spusifucly
spectacular spectacuulr
spectrum spectrum
speech speech
speed speed
spend spend
spending spending
spent spent
spin spin
spirit spirit
spirits speerits
spiritual spirichooul
spite spiit
split split
spoke spohk
spoken spohkn
spokesman spohxmn
sponsored sponsrd
spoon spoon
sport sport
sports sports
spot spot
spots spots
spotted spotd
spray spraa
spread spred
spring spring
springs springz
square sqair
stability stubiluty
stable staabl
stadium staadeeum
staff staf
stage staaj
stages staajz
stairs stairz
stake staak
stalks stox
stand stand
standard standrd
standards standrdz
standing standing
stands standz
star star
stare stair
stared staird
stares stairz
staring staring
stars starz
start start
started startd
starting starting
starts starts
state staat
stated staatd
statement staatmnt
statements staatmnts
states staats
station staashn
stations staashnz
statistical stutistucl
status status
stay staa
stayed staad
staying staaing
stays staaz
steady stedy
steam steem
steel steel
steep steep
stem stem
step step
stepped stept
steps steps
stick stik
sticks stix
stiff stif
still stil
stir str
stirring strring
stock stok
stocks stox
stolen stohln
stomach stumuc
stone stohn
stones stohnz
stood stuhd
stop stop
stopped stopt
stopping stoping
stops stops
storage storij
store stor
stores storz
stories storeez
storm storm
story story
straight straat
strain straan
strange straanj
stranger straanjr
strategic struteejic
strategies stratujeez
strategy stratijy
stream streem
street street
streets streets
strength strength
stress stres
stretch strech
stretched strecht
strict strict
strike striik
strikes striix
striking striiking
string string
strip strip
stroke strohk
strong strong
stronger strongr
strongly strongly
struck struk
structural strucchrul
structure strucchr
structures strucchrz
struggle strugl
struggled strugld
struggling strugling
stuck stuk
stud stud
student stoodnt
students stoodnts
studied studeed
studies studeez
studio stoodeeoh
study study
studying studying
stuff stuf
stuffed stuft
stupid stoopud
style stiil
styles stiilz
sub sub
subject subjct subject
subjects subjcts subjects
subsequent subsuqnt
substance substns
substantial substanshl
suburban subrbn
succeed suxeed
success suxes
successful suxesfuhl
successfully suxesfuhly
such such
sudden sudn
suddenly sudnly
sue soo
suffer sufr
suffered sufrd
suffering sufring
sufficient sufishnt
sugar shuhgr
suggest sujest
suggested sujestd
suggesting sujesting
suggestion sujeschn
suggestions sujeschnz
suggests sujests
suicide soousiid
suit soot
suite sweet
suits soots
sum sum
summary sumry
summer sumr
summit sumit
sun sun
Sunday Sundaa
sunlight sunliit
super soopr
superior supireer
supplies supliiz
supply suplii
support suport
supported suportd
supporters suportrz
supporting suporting
supports suports
suppose supohz
supposed supohzd
supreme supreem
sure shr shoor
surely shrly
surface srfus
surgery srjry
surprise srpriiz supriiz
surprised srpriizd supriizd
surprising srpriizing
surprisingly srpriizingly
surrounded srowndd
surrounding surounding
survey srvaa
surveys srvaaz
survival srviivl
survive srviiv
survived srviivd
survivors srviivrz
suspect suspect
suspected sspectd
suspended suspendd
sustained sustaand
sweat swet
sweet sweet
swept swept
swim swim
swimming swiming
swing swing
switch swich
symbol simbl
symbolic simbolic
symptoms simptumz
system sistm
systems sistmz
table taabl
tables taablz
tablespoon taablspoon
tablespoons taablspoonz
tackle takl
tactics tactix
tail taal
take taak
taken taakn
takes taax
taking taaking
tale taal
talent talnt
talented talntd
talk tok
talked tokt
talking toking
talks tox
tall tol
tank tank
tanks tanx
tap tap
tape taap
target targut
targeted targutd
targets targuts
task task
tasks tasx
tasks tasx
taste taast
taught tot
tax tax
taxes taxz
taxpayers taxpaarz
tea tee
teach teech
teacher teechr
teachers teechrz
teaches teecz
teaching teeching
team teem
teams teemz
tear tair teer
tears teerz tairz
teaspoon teespoon
tech tec
technical tecnucl
technique tecneec
techniques tecneex
technological tecnulojukl
technologies tecnolujeez
technology tecnolujy
tee tee
teen teen
teenagers teenaajrz
teens teenz
teeth teeth
telephone telufohn
telescope teluscohp
television teluvizhn
tell tel
telling teling
tells telz
temperature tempruchr
temperatures tempruchrz
temporary temprairy
ten ten
tend tend
tended tendd
tendency tendnsy
tender tendr
tends tendz
tennis tenis
tens tenz
tension tenshn
tent tent
term trm
terms trmz
terrible tairubl
terrific turific
territory tairutory
terror tairr
terrorism tairrizm
terrorist tairrust tairrist
terrorists tairrusts
test test
tested testd
testimony testumohny
testing testing
tests tests
text text
texts texts
than than
thank thank
thanks thanx
thanksgiving thangxgiving
that that
the thu thee
theater theeutr
their thair
them them
theme theem
themes theemz
themselves themselvz
then then
theology theeolujy
theoretical theeuretucl
theories thireez
theory thiry
therapy thairupy
there thair
thereby thairbii
therefore thairfor
these theez
they thaa
thick thik
thin thin
thing thing
things thingz
think think
thinking thinking
thinks thinx
third thrd
thirty thrty
this this
thoroughly thorohly
those thohz
though thoh
thought thot
thoughts thots
thousand thowznd
thousands thowzndz
threat thret
threatened thretnd
threatening thretning
threats threts
three three
threw throo
throat throht
through throo
throughout throoowt
throw throh
throwing throhing
thrown throhn
throws throhz
thumb thum
Thursday thrzdaa
thus thus
Tia Teeu
ticket tikit
tickets tikits
tie tii
tied tiid
ties tiiz
tiger tiigr
tight tiit
tightly tiitly
till til
time tiim
times tiimz
timing tiiming
tiny tiiny
tip tip
tips tips
tired tiird
tissue tishoo
title tiitl
titles tiitlz
to too
tobacco tubacoh
today tudaa
toe toh
together tugethr
told tohld
tomato tumaatoh tumotoh
tomatoes tumaatohz tumotohz
tomorrow tmoroh tumoroh
tone tohn
tongue tung
tonight tuniit
tons tunz
too too
took tuhk
tool tool
tools toolz
top top
topic topic
torn torn
toss tos
tossed tost
total tohtl
totally tohtuly
touch tuch
touched tucht
touching tuching
tough tuf
tour toor
tourists toorusts
tournament trnumnt
tours toorz
tow toh
toward tuword
towards tuwordz
tower towr
town town
towns townz
toxic toxic
toy toy
toys toyz
trace traas
track trak
tracks trax
trade traad
trading traading
tradition trudishn
traditional trudishnl
traditionally trudishnuly
traditions trudishnz
traffic trafic
tragedy trajudy
trail traal
trails traalz
train traan
trained traand
training traaning
transfer transfr
transformed transformd
transition tranzishn
transmission tranzmishn
transport transport
transportation transprtaashn
trapped trapt
trash trash
travel travl
traveled travld
traveling travling
treasury trezhry
treat treet
treated treetd
treating treeting
treatment treetmnt
treatments treetmnts
treaty treety
tree tree
trees treez
tremendous trumendus
trend trend
trends trendz
Trent Trent
trial triil
trials triilz
tribal triibl
trick trik
tried triid
tries triiz
trigger trigr
trip trip
trips trips
troops troops
tropical tropucl
trouble trubl
troubled trubld
truck truk
trucks trux
true troo
truly trooly
trunk trunk
trust trust
truth trooth
try trii
trying triiing
tube toob
tuck tuk
Tuesday toozdaa
tune toon
tunnel tunl
turkey trky
turn trn
turned trnd
turning trning
turns trnz
twelve twelv
twenty twenty
twice twiis
twin twin
twins twinz
twisted twistd
two too
type tiip
types tiips
typical tipicl
typically tipicly
ugly ugly
ultimate ultumut
ultimately ultumutly
unable unaabl
uncertainty unsrtnty
uncle uncl
uncomfortable uncumfrtubl
under undr
underlying undrliiing
underneath undrneeth
understand undrstand
understanding undrstanding
understands undrstandz
understood undrstuhd
unemployment unumploymnt
unfortunately unforchunutly
uniform uunuform
union uunyun
unions uunyunz
unique uuneek
unit uunut
united uuniitd
units uunuts
unity uunity
universal uunuvrsl
universe uunuvrs
universities uunuvrsuteez
university uunuvrsuty
unknown unnohn
unless unles
unlike unliik
unlikely unliikly
until until
unusual unuuzhuuul
up up
upon upon
upper upr
upset upset
upstairs upstairz
urban rbn
urge rj
urged rjd
urn rn
us us
use uuz uus
used uuzd
useful uusfuhl
user uuzr
users uuzrz
uses uuzz uusz
using uuzing
usual uuzhooul
usually uuzhuly uuzhuuuly
utility uutiluty
vacation vaacaashn vucaashn
validity vuliduty
valley valy
valuable valuuubl
value valuu
values valuuz
van van
variable vaireeubl
variables vaireeublz
variation vaireeaashn
varied vaireed
variety vuriiuty
various vaireeus
vary vairy
vast vast
vegetable vejtubl
vegetables vejtublz
vehicle veeucl
vehicles veeuclz veehiclz
venture venchr
verbal vrbl
version vrzhn
versions vrzhnz
versus vrss
very vairy
veteran vetrun
veterans vetrunz
via viiu
vice viis
victim victm
victims victmz
victory victry
video videeoh
view vuu
viewed vuud
viewers vuurz
views vuuz
village vilij
villages vilijz
violence viiuluns
violent viiulnt
virtually vrchuly
virus viirus
visible vizubl
vision vizhn
visit vizit
visited vizitd
visiting viziting
visitors vizitrz
visits vizits
visual vizhuuul
vital viitl
voice vois
voices voisz
volume voluum
volunteer volunteer
volunteers volnteerz
vote voht
voted vohtd
voters vohtrz
votes vohts
voting vohting
vulnerable vulnrubl
wage waaj
wages waajz
waist waast
wait waat
waited waatd
waiting waating
wake waak
walk wok
walked wokt
walking woking
walks wox
wall wol
walls wolz
want wont
wanted wontd
wanting wonting
wants wonts
war wor
warm warm
warming warming
warned wornd
warning worning
wars worz
was wuz
wash wosh
washed wosht
waste waast
watch woch
watched wocht
watching woching
water wotr
waters wotrz
wave waav
waved waavd
way waa
ways waaz
we wee
weak week
wealth welth
wealthy welthy
weapon wepn
weapons wepnz
wear wair
wearing wairing
weather wethr
web web
website websiit
wedding weding
Wednesday Wenzdaa
wee wee
week week
weekend weekend
weekly weekly
weeks weex
weigh waa
weight waat
welcome welcum
welfare welfair
well wel
went went
were wr
west west
western westrn
wet wet
what whut
whatever whutevr
wheel wheel
wheels wheelz
when when
whenever whunevr whenevr
where whair
whereas whairaz
wherever whairevr
whether whethr
which which
while whiil
whispered whisprd
white whiit
whites whiits
who hoo
whoever hooevr
whole hohl
whom hoom
whose hooz
why whii
wide wiid
widely wiidly
wider wiidr
widespread wiidspred
wife wiif
wild wiild
wilderness wildrnus
wildlife wiildliif
will wil
willing wiling
willingness wilingnus
win win
wind wind wiind
window windoh
windows windohz
wine wiin
wing wing
wings wingz
winner winr
winning wining
wins winz
winter wintr
wire wiir
wisdom wizdm
wise wiiz
wish wish
wished wisht
wishes wishz
with with
within within
without withowt
witness witnus
witnesses witnusz
wives wiivz
woke wohk
wolf wuhlf
woman wuhmn
women wimn
won wun
wonder wundr
wondered wundrd
wonderful wundrfuhl
wondering wundring
wood wuhd
wooden wuhdn
woods wuhdz
word wrd
words wrdz
wore wor
work wrk
worked wrkt
worker wrkr
workers wrkrz
working wrking
works wrx
world wrld
worlds wrldz
worldwide wrldwiid
worn worn
worried wreed
worry wry
worse wrs
worst wrst
worth wrth
would wuhd
wouldn’t wuhdnt
wound woond wownd
wounded woondd
wow wow
wrap rap
wrapped rapt
wreck rek
write riit
writer riitr
writers riitrz
writes riits
writing riiting
written ritn
wrong rong
wrote roht
wry rii
yard yard
yards yardz
yeah ya
year yeer
years yeerz
yellow yeloh
yes yes
yesterday yestrdaa
yet yet
yield yeeld
you yoo
young yung
younger yungr
your yor
yours yorz
yourself yrself yorself
youth yooth
zero zeeroh
zone zohn